Sunday 16 October 2016

It girls / Germany

                                               French it girl Jeanne Damas

It-girls don't necessarily have a 'real job'. Yes, some of them go to photoshoots or they design clothes - usually with a design team -  but it's not the kind of work a teacher has to do or a coal miner, a cashier in a busy supermarket, a housewife or a manager with a 60-hour-week - it's work and maybe you sometimes feel stressed but it's not hard work. If you're famous, you'll get photographed and you won't have as much privacy as a non-famous person but if it all gets too much for you - as an 'it girl' - you can always shut yourself away in your (or one of your) luxurious flat(s) or mansion(s) or you can go to a 5 star hotel or to a resort in the Caribbean or fly first class or with your private jet to a city where no one knows you because you're not famous over there or not as much as in your home country or wherever you're residing or you buy an island for yourself. Most of all the it girls are rich girls with rich and mostly famous parents. You can call them spoilt, vapid or whatever you want to but you can like them too if you want. Sometimes it girls do have a job - they're actresses, models or singers. It's not as stressful as any blue collar job but it's a job and you're not just getting paid for making an appearance. Some it girls are getting paid for going to a club or they're advertising brands on Instagram or other social media. I wouldn't say that this is 'hard work'.

I am somewhat interested in it-girls. It girls like Alexa Chung, Gigi Hadid, Bella Hadid, Jeanne Damas, Paris Hilton, Caroline de Maigret, Charlotte Kemp Muhl, Lily-Rose Depp, Iris Apfel, Chloë Sevigny, Léa Seydoux, Cat Marnell, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Lou Doillon etc.

I must admit that I prefer 'French it girls'. It's so cliché but they are fashionable. I like 'Instagram famous it girls' too. A lot of them are Scandinavian or from France.

Well, since I moved to Berlin I wanted to check out some German it girls too and get inspired. I did not get inspired. I got angry.

Bonnie Strange and Palina Rojinski are two German it girls (I think Bonnie has Polish and Palina has Russian parents and they're therefore of Eastern European descent but famous in Germany) and I like them. They're colourful and cute and seem to be nice. I wanted more and came across some 'it girls' who are considered 'intellectuals' because they're journalists and writers.

I came across two writers from a German conservative newspaper. I can't believe that people who are working there are considered 'it girls' in Germany. One of the writers at that newspaper wrote an article called ''I'm homophobic and I like it''. Just to give you an idea of what kind of German newspaper I'm talking about. The newspaper (if you could call it that) is the German version of the Daily Mail or Fox News but probably worse. They bullied a disabled refugee girl from Palestine into saying that she doesn't like Israel and Jews but the girl said they twisted her words and the girl and her family had to get a lawyer and had to sue the newspaper. Quality journalism, eh. German people tend to say - when you ask them why they read this horrible newspaper: ''Yeah, I mean, some of the articles aren't that great but it's a good newspaper. Why should I avoid it just because they post so many controversial articles?'' - ''You support financially them if you do?'' - ''Yeah but they do have good articles, you know. Some of them are good and not all of them are rude and inflammatory and sensationalist and not all the writers are mean.''

One of the 'it girls' from that 'newspaper' wrote an article about people with depression and borderline. She visits a friend with borderline in a mental institution and writes in her article that her 'friend' and all the other people should 'whine less and just get over it already' because they're taking the easy way out and aren't working or studying and they don't feel the pressure people are feeling who want to achieve something and have a career and they're just making excuses. In another article she writes that she thinks feminism is disgusting because it's 'for poor women' and she's selfish and doesn't care and if women think that a lot of ads with half-naked women are sexist, she objects because people just want to see naked women, so what?
This writer is 24 but she's like a spoilt 14-year-old brat, really.
I've read her articles because I'm fascinated, in a negative way, with all the drivel she has written. She wrote in one of her 'splendid' articles that she feels so sorry for a man she sees on the street because he's wearing a cheap suit and she wants to get drunk and cry because that's so sad... You couldn't make it up. This is a real person, not a caricature.
To make things even 'better': she got a book deal and people are praising her because she has so many 'controversial opinions' and she's so 'brave' and 'cheeky'. She even got invited to read at a prestigious literature competition where German speaking writers are given the possibility to read a short story and a jur, some (self-)important literature people, decides who wins. She wrote in her story that other girls hate her because she's so pretty (she's cute but she's no Victoria Secret Model or actress from the 60's, let's be real) and that she smudges her mascara on purpose because she tries to make herself look ugly, so some girls at a bar won't hate her. She 'suggests' that an 'ugly girl' she sees at the bar should wear a burka because she's so ugly.

The second 'it girl' is a German writer (she's 28 or 29) who wrote that she doesn't need feminism because she's white and rich.
Again, you couldn't make it up. She got a book deal too.

Another German 'it girl', her mother is a well-known actress, also doesn't need feminism (who would have thought) because she wants to look good - unlike feminists- and she just got into trouble because she posted the following statement on her social media accounts as a 'social experiment': ''Refugees are like small tits- nobody wants them'' She wanted to see how people will react to her posts.

The other German it girls are 'glamour models'. They're not interesting - to me - but at least they haven't said anything controversial. One of those models accused two men of raping and filming her whilst under the influence (drugs and alcohol). They tried to sell the tape and put it online. The model sued the men and what did happen? The (female) judgle thought she's lying (despite the tape where she looks so out of it) and she had to pay a fine of 20 000 €.

Germany is more or less a nice country but sometimes it just seems so backward. You have stupid people in every country but people in other countries stilly people aren't considered to be the 'intellectual elite' like in Germany. They had good writers and philosophers and now they have arrogant fools. Germany, stop making stupid people famous.

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